Ruth Unsworth
Psychotherapist, Mediator, Coach, Trainer and Consultant
I am an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, registered mediator, coach, trainer and developer of services. I am committed to helping people and organisations achieve their goals. Working in a therapeutic, coaching, conflict resolution, training or consultancy context, you can be confident of informed and effective outcomes. I will listen to understand your unique circumstances, use evidenced-based approaches to collaborate in designing a solution that works. Background and experience ​ I originally trained as a Minister in the Church of Scotland and worked in inner cities and rural parishes. My interest in listening to those who have been overlooked developed from trying to listen to the voices of women in scripture and in the church. I then worked with young homeless people in Glasgow, many of whom were distressed, experiencing health problems, in conflict with family, struggling with employment and self-confidence issues. This work involved developing services for young homeless in and around Glasgow. Since 2007, I have been employed in Higher Education. I began in Student Services, qualified as a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist and was promoted, responsible for the wellbeing, counselling and mental health services for students. After listening to students and staff, I redesigned the service to address long waiting lists, to provide a coherent range of options and the service became the first in Scotland to be awarded accreditation from the Royal College of Psychiatrist and British Psychological Society though APPTS. After running this service for a number of years, as well as working with colleagues across the university to develop a Mental Health Strategy and Suicide Prevention Strategy, I was asked to develop a mediation service for staff and students in the university. The service was launched in November 2020 and we were awarded accreditation to train students and staff in mediation by Scottish mediation. I continue to work as Head of Wellbeing and Mediation. In October 2022, I was appointed a trustee of the Board of Scottish Mediation. I have chaired university wide Mental Health Task Force and the Equally Safe Group and was honoured to lead the pilot of the Emily Test and am an assessor for the Emily Test Charter and for Student Minds Mental Health Charter. I am a member of the Scottish Government Student Mental Health and Wellbeing Group. ​ Alongside my university work, I enjoy working as a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, Coach, trainer and Mediator primarily for the third and private sectors. ​ Professional & academic qualifications • B.A. (Hons) Combined Arts (World Religions, Philosophy & Psychology) • B.D. (Divinity) • Certificate in Mental Health • Post Gradate Diploma (Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy) • Accredited Mediation trainer I have also completed accredited training in Solution Focused Brief Therapy, coaching supervision, training in CBASP (Cognitive Behavioural System of Psychotherapy), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. I continue to attend regular professional development courses to ensure I am up to date with the latest developments in evidence-based psychological treatments. Clinical supervision: As a BABCP Accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, I have regular clinical supervision. This involves consulting with an accredited CBT psychotherapist to reflect on my clinical work to ensure my practice meets the required ethical and professional competencies and ultimately to ensure the best possible outcomes for clients. I also provide clinical supervision to other CBT therapists and to mediators. Professional memberships: I am a member of the following professional bodies and abide by their codes of ethics for good practice and professional conduct: ​ 1.British Association for Behavioural & Cognitive Psychotherapies (BABCP). 2.Scottish Mediation
One to one services
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
As an accredited Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist, recognised by BUPA, I've worked with people of different backgrounds, who faced a wide range of stress and distress. I listen to understand your unique circumstances. We work together to identify and test proven strategies and techniques that will help you move to where you want to be.
As a mediator, registered with Scottish Mediation. I can help you with one to one as well as group conflict issues.
I offer confidential conversations for times when you need a trusted and knowledgeable mediator.
I offer training in conflict resolution skills and in negotiation.
As a coach who fundamentally believes in harnessing your power to overcome barriers to reaching your goals, I use solution based, present and forward looking approaches..
Consultant and Trainer
I have a proven track record of developing services and training courses that work and have received accreditations. I love working in Higher Education, with the private and third sectors. I have reviewed APPTS psychological services, worked as an assessor for Student Minds Mental Health Charter and for The Emily Test.
My management experience has led to my appointment to the Board of Directors of Scottish Mediation.

Contact Me
If you want to find out more about any of these services, please fill in your contact details and provide a note about what you are looking for and I will get back to you.
I'm looking forward to working with you!
Ruth Unsworth B.A., B.D., Certificate of Mental Health, PGDip CBP
Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist and Mediator
“Ruth taught me how to manage how I felt, not just at that moment but gave me the tools to do that for as long as my memory will serve me."
"Right from the beginning Ruth put me at ease and was always very supportive and encouraging. I looked forward to our sessions every week learning different skills to help deal with my anxieties. I always felt relaxed and comfortable talking to Ruth about anything that was on my mind."
"Ruth taught me methods that you cannot simply get from a book or online without properly practicing them under the watchful eye of a professional. We connected pretty much immediately and that meant that I felt like I could talk with her about anything which really surprised me, as I thought I'd be reserved but felt quite the opposite."